Following heavy rains in Tamil Nadu, social media users are sharing a photo that shows people standing in a queue in front of a water tanker with the claim that it is from Tamil Nadu's capital Chennai.
However, we found the photo is an old one from Ahmedabad and could be traced back to 2017 when heavy rains that had crippled the state.
The photo was shared by BJP's Tamil Nadu State Treasurer SR Sekhar on Twitter claiming that the photo is from the recent rains in the state that has turned Chennai into a "swimming pool".
We conducted a reverse image search on the photo and found it in an article by Hindustan Times published in 2017.
The photo caption read, "People stand in a queue to collect drinking water from a municipal tanker at a flooded residential colony in Ahmedabad." The picture courtesy was given to news agency Press Trust of India (PTI).
The report read that at least 129 people were dead following heavy rains in the state.
We then looked into the PTI photo archives found the photo published on 29 July 2017.
Torrential rain hit several parts of Tamil Nadu, including Chennai, with Chief Minister MK Stalin declaring a public holiday in the state for Monday, 8 November. Capital Chennai has recorded the heaviest rainfall since 2015.
Clearly, a photo from 2017 is being shared on social media falsely claiming it shows Tamil Nadu rains.
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