The original YouTube sensation, comedian and vlogger Lilly Singh is taking a hiatus from posting on YouTube. Also known as Superwoman, Singh announced to fans that she's taking a break, specifically to focus on her mental health.
“Why am I taking a break is because of my mental health. I am mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. I have been doing YouTube for 8 years consecutively. For 8 years I have been doing it regularly and for a lot of those 8 years I have been doing it twice a week. It’s been a lot! I have enjoyed it, I have loved it, but it has been a lot.”Lilly Singh
Burnout among YouTube creators has become a rising issue in the last year — and some in the industry say the Google-owned video service’s changing algorithms are fuelling a rise in creative and mental stress. Singh wasn't pleased with the workload either. She explained that being on YouTube "demands constant content."
“You know, the thing about YouTube is that, in all of its glory, it kind of is a machine and it makes creators believe that we have to pump out content consistently even at the cost of our life, and our mental health, and our happiness. Because if you don’t, then you’ll become irrelevant.”Lilly Singh
The 30-year-old has appeared in Hollywood projects including Bad Moms, HBO’s film adaptation of Fahrenheit 451, Ice Age: Collision Course and documentary film A Trip to Unicorn Island.
She plans to work on her other projects, particularly in the social good space including the #GirlLove movement and as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and "get some of her creative energy back." Wish you all the luck, Lilly! We will miss you.