‘Follow Your Dreams,’ Say Women Who Travelled 17,000 km on Bikes

The bikers travelled India Myanmar, Thailand, Laon, Cambodia, Vietnam and Bangladesh.

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Video Editor: Sandeep Suman and Vishal Kumar


Four women – who biked across seven countries, covering around 17,000 km – are now out to inspire others.

Piya Bahadur, Shipla Balakrishnan, Shanti Susan and Jai Bharathi embarked on a biking expedition which they called 'Road to Mekong' on 11 February.

They travelled through 15 Indian states before heading off to Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. The journey lasted a total of 56 days.

It was a wonderful experience riding through... more than riding, planning how to do 17,000 km. Today, when we reached Hyderabad the odometer ticking 17,000 km shows how much we planned and how much we actually did. It was a wonderful experience all put together. A once in a lifetime experience,” Jai Bharathi told ANI.

Piya Bahadur, another biker, encouraged other women to follow their dreams.

Women can ride a bike. I have two children, one is 18 years old one is 16 years old. Riding a bike is one thing, but most importantly follow your dreams.

The expedition which was supported by Telangana Tourism took the women to 19 UNESCO World Heritage sites across the seven countries.

"The expedition also promoted Telangana's culture and highlighted the respect and support given to women," Minister for Tourism A. Chandulal told ANI.

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