Telegram received an update recently that has improved the instant messaging platform for users. The new features will help users enjoy a seamless experience on the messaging app. The most notable feature among all the updates is Saved Messages 2.0. It helps users to filter and customise going through the saved texts, media, and other links. One should note that Telegram also added several new features this month, including One-Time Voice and Video Messages and pause and resume recordings.
If you want to know about all the new features on Telegram, you have to read till the end. The instant messaging platform has also introduced Read Time in private chats, a new design for shared contacts, and other features recently. One should note that the update is being rolled out for Android and iOS versions of the app.
Here are all the details you must note about the new updates on Telegram and stay informed with the announcements if you use the app every day.
Telegram’s New Updates: Know Details Here
The Saved Messages feature on Telegram allows users to forward text, media, and links for viewing later on. The messenger platform has made numerous improvements to the feature for the benefit of users.
First of all, users can view the saved messages as chats. This feature will allow you to see the forwarded messages as separate chat windows. The chat windows will show the messages saved from a particular contact, group, or channel.
One should note that one can pin any chat at the top and view it whenever they want.
You can also use tags on the Saved Messages feature. One can use emojis to tag and filter the saved messages.
The app has added a new Saved tab to the shared media section that allows the users to quickly scroll through the images, documents, and links. You can see the saved messages from that particular chat.
The One-Time Voice and Video Messages on Telegram allow users to set the view-once time while sending voice notes and video messages to their contacts. These messages will be automatically deleted after viewing once.
To send one-time messages, you have to long-press the record option, swipe up to lock them, and then tap on the One-Time icon to activate the feature.
Stay tuned to know about all the new features and updates on the instant messaging platform, Telegram, and use them for your benefit.
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