Samajwadi Party (SP) supremo Akhilesh Yadav said on Thursday, 14 June, that he will contest the 2019 Lok Sabha polls from Uttar Pradesh's Kannauj seat, which is presently represented by wife Dimple Yadav, while his father Maulayam Singh Yadav will contest from Mainpuri.
Akhilesh Yadav also asked party workers to hold 'Sachai pe charcha' (discussion on truth) to counter the Bharatiya Janata Party’s "propaganda".
"I will contest from Kannauj while netaji (Mulayam) will contest from Mainpuri," he announced at a meeting of SP workers at the party headquarters in Lucknow.
The former chief minister said the Opposition had charged the SP with 'pariwarwaad' (nepotism) due to which his wife will not contest this time.
The BJP and the RSS are experts in distracting people from core issues by resorting to new propaganda. They can make any false allegations. There is a threat of misuse of new technologies by the BJP. Facebook and WhatsApp can be used to spread rumours. Digital India can be used for character-assassination of Opposition by spreading objectionable rumours about them.Akhilesh Yadav
Akhilesh Yadav alleged the BJP's agenda was only "lying and betraying" people.
The SP would expose them, he said, and asked workers to remain vigilant.
We will have to ensure that the BJP does not return to power again. Party workers should do ‘sacchai par charcha’ and expose the BJP. When voters know the reality, they will not vote for the BJP.Akhilesh Yadav
The path of the BJP is of destruction but that of the SP is of development, he claimed. The BJP wants to spread hatred in the society, while we want amity, he said.
To a question related to alliance and seat-sharing, he said, "With whosoever our alliance will take place, the party workers will ensure our victory and defeat of the BJP. This time, they will not get support of the people as they stand exposed. They only paid lip-service to the people and did nothing on ground."