In what has come as a pleasant surprise, popular Malayalam actor Prithviraj posted on Facebook, announcing that the actress who was sexually assaulted a few days ago, has made a ‘courageous’ return to the sets. Prithviraj also apologized for the misogyny in his films in the past.
Perhaps the first ever Malayalam actor to publicly apologize for mouthing misogynistic dialogues in his movies, the actor also promised that never again in his films, will he allow women to be disrespected.
Though many from the Malayalam industry have spoken up for the survivor, this is the first time that a male actor has acknowledged the impact that films have in encouraging misogyny, and consequently creating a culture where violence against women is condoned rather than condemned.
At an age and time when I wasn’t wise enough... I have been a part of films that celebrated misogyny... I have mouthed lines that vilified regard for your self-respect, and I have taken a bow to the claps that ensued.
His post post goes on to say he will never partake in the misogyny encouraged by popular cinemas.
Never again will I let disrespect for women be celebrated in my movies! Yes... I’m an actor and this is my craft! I will whole-heartedly trudge the grey and black with characters that possess unhinged moral compasses... but I will never let these men be glorified or their actions justified on screen.
In the FB post titled ‘Courage’, he also paid a tribute of sorts to the actor:
I once again bear witness to an extraordinary moment of courage from an extraordinary woman in my life! Today... she makes a statement... a statement that will echo through time, space and gender... that no one or no incident has control over your life, but YOU!
The actor also urges people to stand up and applaud for her. He says that despite knowing that her life would be under constant scrutiny, she chose to step out and work, setting an example to many to ‘light a torch that will show a path for many to follow’.
Read the full Facebook post here:
The woman actor was abducted and allegedly raped in a moving car in Kochi on the night of 17 February.
Prime accused Sunil Kumar alias Pulsar Suni and another accused Vijeesh were arrested by the police on Thursday, while the duo reached an Ernakulam court to surrender before the magistrate, after days of evading arrest.