A case against filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma was lodged by Telangana BJP for his derogatory comments against, National Democratic Alliance's candidate for the Presidential election, Droupadi Murmu, as per a report by Hindustan Times.
According to the same report, Senior Telangana BJP leader, G Narayan Reddy lodged a complaint against Varma for posting a derogatory comment on Murmu on Twitter.
The tweet read as follows, “If DRAUPADI is the PRESIDENT who are the PANDAVAS? And more importantly, who are the KAURAVAS?”
As per the report, Abid's police inspector B Prasada Rao told Hindustan Times, “We have received the complaint and sent the same for legal opinion. After we receive the legal opinion, we shall book a case against Varma under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.”
Meanwhile, Varma took to Twitter to say, “This (tweet) was said just in an earnest irony and not intended in any other way. Draupadi in Mahabharata is my faviourate character (sic) but since the name is such a rarity, I just remembered the associated characters and hence my expression. Not at all intended to hurt sentiments of anyone.”