On 1 April, director and producer Ram Gopal Varma claimed that his doctor has informed him that he has been tested positive for Coronavirus. However, in the tweet that followed, he claimed that his doctor has played a prank on him to mark April Fools’ Day, and that he has not contracted the lethal virus.
In the third and final tweet on this subject, the filmmaker apologised to the public. He said that he was taking the grim issue in a lighthearted manner and that the joke really was on him. He “sincerely apologised” to anyone he may have offended.
It was in the first tweet that Varma claimed to have been told by his doctor that he has been tested positive for Coronavirus. The tweet reads: “My doctor just told me that I tested positive with Corona.”
The tweet that follows claimed that he has been pranked by his doctor and he has not contracted the lethal virus. It reads: “Sorry to disappoint, but now he tells me it’s a April Fool joke it’s his fault and not mine.”
In the final tweet, Varma claims that the prank was an attempt to lighten the rather grim topic. He conveyed his sincere apologies to anyone he may have offended. The last tweet reads:“Anyway I am just trying to make light of a grim situation but the joke is on me and if I dint offend anyone I sincerely apologise to them.”
Varma then also uploaded the three tweets on his Instagram:
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