Anil Kapoor has refused to age and his energy levels on the sets of 24 convinced us that his love for his work is the secret behind it. As the show’s Jai Singh Rathore, the actor takes The Quint around an old mill in South Mumbai, where he is filming for the second season of the thriller series.
Not only is Anil Kapoor is great fan of action sequences, he also loves The Quint and we’re flattered. But it’s not just his word that we’re taking. Director Karan Boolani also spills the beans on Anil Kapoor and what it’s like to be directing him.
Editor: Veeru Krishan Mohan
Producer: Divya Talwar
Cameramen: Chintamani Wagh, Sheldon Healy
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Topics: Anil Kapoor TV Series 24 Season 2