A video of US Vice President Kamala Harris is being widely shared across social media platforms, where she is heard making confusing statements.
In the video, Harris says, "Today is today, and yesterday was today yesterday. Tomorrow will be today tomorrow, so live today. So the future today will be as the past, today as it is tomorrow."
The claim: The video, which shows Harris standing at a podium with the banner 'Ramble Rants Reproductive Freedom', is being shared to make fun of the US vice president.
The Quint received a query for this video's verification on its WhatsApp tipline.
(Archives of more claims on social media can be seen here, here and here.)
But...?: The video is edited and a voiceover has been added to the clip.
In the original clip, Harris is seen speaking at an event called Fighting for Reproductive Freedom, where she talks about the importance of reproductive freedom and understanding the situation in hand in its complete context.
How did we find out?: Using relevant keywords, we looked for a video of Harris.
This led us to a video shared by The New York Post, where Harris was seen in a similar outfit. The podium's banner here read 'Fighting for Reproductive Freedom'.
Its description mentioned that Harris spoke at a pro-choice meet at her alma mater, Howard University in Washington DC.
In this short clip, she is heard talking about the importance of knowing the present in its context, with respect to the past and the future.
"So I think it’s very important — as you have heard from so many incredible leaders — for us, at every moment in time, and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualise it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past, but the future. "US Vice President Kamala Harris
We found the full text of her speech on the White House's website.
Here too, we found no mention of the statement that can be heard in the claim.
In this document, we saw Harris spoke about her alma mater and her time there.
She also spoke about running for re-election along with US President Joe Biden, and the importance of bodies such as Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union, among others.
Harris then went on too address the problems with abortion laws in parts of the country, mentioning how medical professionals could face imprisonment for terminating pregnancies.
Towards the end, she spoke about taking up a "woman's right to make decisions about her own body" as a"national agenda," adding that some lawmakers thought " a lawyer and a politician is in a better position than a doctor to determine what is safe and effective for your use".
The source: We looked up 'Ramble Rants' on social media platforms.
This led us to a Twitter profile with the same name, which edited videos of several US politicians.
It had also shared the viral video in the claim, which carried a note that the video was digitally altered.
The account mentioned that it had used a voiceover from a Kamala Harris impersonator and shared their video.
Conclusion: The viral video has been edited to add a voiceover by a Kamala Harris impersonator.
(Not convinced of a post or information you came across online and want it verified? Send us the details on WhatsApp at 9643651818, or e-mail it to us at webqoof@thequint.com and we'll fact-check it for you. You can also read all our fact-checked stories here.)