'Taarak Mehta...' Actor Rakesh Bedi Loses Rs 85,000 In Cyber Fraud

The scamster reportedly posed as an Army personnel and conned Rakesh Bedi.

1 min read
Hindi Female

Actor Rakesh Bedi, 69, fell victim to a scam by a fraudster claiming to be an army personnel, as per a report by Hindustan Times. Bedi reportedly lost Rs 85,000 in the process.

The report stated that Bedi filed a complaint with the police saying that the accused identified himself as one Aditya Kumar. He had obtained details about a flat in Pune Bedi had put up for sale from a housing portal. Bedi stated that on 25 December, Kumar posed as a potential buyer and requested photos of the property. He shared purported government and army identity cards, which showed him in uniform.


In his complaint, Bedi also stated that on 26 December, he was informed that a senior officer was interested in purchasing the flat. He was asked to initiate a GPay transaction of Rs 1 through an Army account. The accused assured Bedi that he would receive a token amount of Rs 50,000.

When Bedi raised a concern that he hadn't received the money, the fraudster reportedly said as it involved an Indian Army account, both accounts needed a similar balance for the transaction to take place. The actor transferred the money and also made additional payments of Rs 25,000 and Rs 10,000. After three transactions Bedi realised it was a fraud, but by then the scamster had stopped responding. A complaint was filed on 30 December.

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