These Monster Baby Dolls Can Be Your New Addition This Halloween

These terrifying half-monster-half-baby dolls are truly the stuff of nightmares.

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Video Editor: Abhishek Sharma

Video Producer: Sonal Gupta


These terrifying half-monster-half-baby dolls have eyes that follow individuals wherever they go – making them truly the stuff of nightmares.

The thought of having a demonic half-monster baby sounds more like a night terror than a lifestyle choice, but for artist Julia Hamill, the fanfare over her sordid creations has turned her passion project into a full-time job.

Founder of Okie Babies, Julia Hamill from Muskogee, Oklahoma, creates "reborn monster baby" dolls which merge hyper-realistic newborn detailing with freakish features such as fangs, scars and fur.


Made primarily from silicone, Julia adds real animal teeth into the dolls’ mouths to provide them with an even spookier edge – but the most toe-curling characteristic comes from the eyes which follow their owners around the room.

Selling from anywhere between $300 (225GBP) to $1200 (915GBP), the one-of-a-kind dolls take up to 60 hours to complete with each fiber of hair meticulously placed, and each vein precisely drawn by hand.

When I put teeth in my dolls I like to put real animal teeth. These are dog teeth.I just love turning things that have died back into something beautiful. I think people like them because there are something different. They are not something you can just go to the mall and pick out, and there is fifty of the same thing. They like them because they are creepy but cute.
Julia Hamill , Artist

(With inputs from AP)

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