Goodbye Windows Vista, You Won’t be Missed at All

It’s time to say goodbye to Windows Vista as Microsoft ends support for the OS

Tech News
1 min read
Hindi Female

Software giant Microsoft has finally said goodbye to the 10-year-old Windows Vista operating system that had debuted with severe criticism.

The users of Windows Vista will have to move to a more recent version of Windows to remain secure, since Windows will stop releasing updates for the Vista version.

Windows Vista was originally supposed to revolutionise Windows with a new file system and user interface. Microsoft’s development of Vista didn’t come out as expected and the company was forced to reset its plans.

The final nail to the coffin for Vista came in 2016, when Firefox indicated it would support the obsolete OS until next September, while Google said Gmail would not work with it later in 2017.

To make matters worse, gaming titan Blizzard declared that it would cut Vista users off from its leading titles, one after another.


Windows Vista truly highlighted some of the shortcomings of the company, and received a lot of stick from people all over the world. Yes, it will go down in history, but for all the wrong reasons and as one of the biggest failures of Microsoft, along with other upsets like Windows ME and Windows 8.

(with inputs from IANS.)

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Topics:  Microsoft   Microsoft Windows 

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