No, Wrist Accessories Doesn't Prevent Paralysis; Viral Report Is Edited

Wrist accessories prevent paralysis: The report used as a source in this video is fake and edited.

2 min read
Hindi Female

A video is going viral on social media to claim that wearing wrist accessories (mauli thread) as suggested in the Hindu religion can reduce the chances of paralysis by 87 percent.

The video also cites a report by Medical News Today for the same.

Wrist accessories prevent paralysis: The report used as a source in this video is fake and edited.

An archive can be seen here.

(Source: X/Screenshot)

(Archives of similar claims can be seen here and here.)

What's the truth?: The report used as a source in this video is fake and edited.

There are no other studies which support this claim.


How did we find out the truth?: We performed a relevant keyword search using the name of the publication and some texts from the image.

  • This led us to the original report shared by Medical News Today on 16 April.

  • The original headline read, "Do copper bracelets help with arthritis?" and the report further mentioned how there is no evidence to support this statement.

  • The date, byline and the first four paragraphs also matched with the screenshot shared in the viral video.

Wrist accessories prevent paralysis: The report used as a source in this video is fake and edited.

Screenshot from the report.

(Source: MNT/Screenshot)

We did not find any other studies or reports supporting this claim either.


Conclusion: A fake claim about wearing wrist accessories decreasing the chances of paralysis in humans is going viral as real.

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Topics:  Fact Check   Webqoof   paralysis 

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