Fact-Check: This Video of 'Bushra Bibi' Talking to a Person Is a Deepfake

We found that the viral video has been digitally altered to add Bibi's face on the body of a different woman.

2 min read
Hindi Female

A video which shows former first lady of Pakistan, Bushra Bibi, talking about a kiss with a person is being widely shared on the internet.

What have users said?: Those sharing the video have uploaded with a caption in Urdu, which loosely translates to, "This is a video from when Yuthiyan's mother Bushra Bibi was a flexible dancer."

We found that the viral video has been digitally altered to add Bibi's face on the body of a different woman.

An archive of the post can be found here.

(Source: Facebook/Screenshot)

The post had over 2,000 shares on the platform, when this report was being written. (More archives of similar claims can be viewed here and here. )

Is the video real?: No, the video has actually been edited to morph Bibi's face on the body of a different woman. The original clip, which could be traced back to at least November 2022, showed a different woman talking about a kiss with a person.


Hints in the viral video: Towards the beginning of the video, we noticed that it glitched and the face of Bibi disappeared for a bit to show a different woman's face.

We found that the viral video has been digitally altered to add Bibi's face on the body of a different woman.

We noticed a discrepancy in the viral video. 

(Source: Viral video/Screenshot/Altered by The Quint)

Finding the original video: We noticed a watermark at the bottom of the video that said "MN Point".

We found that the viral video has been digitally altered to add Bibi's face on the body of a different woman.

The watermark can be seen at the bottom of the video.

(Source: Viral video/Screenshot/Altered by The Quint)

  • On searching for it on Google, we found a YouTube channel with the same name and logo as seen in the viral video.

  • The channel carried links to other social media profiles as well. We went through the Facebook profile and found similar visuals published on 23 November 2022.

  • Its caption in Urdu, when translated to English said, "Rabia Pirni told the truth about what the media kept doing. After the kissing video, the anchor apologised to Rabia."

Conclusion: It is clear that the video has been digitally altered to morph Bushra Bibi's face on a different woman.

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