Railway Recruitment Board Releases Details of Stage 2 CBT Exams

The exam city and date for Second Stage CBT Exams for APL and technician posts were released by the RRB.

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The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the exam city and date of the Second Stage CBT Examinations for the post of assistant loco pilot (APL) and technician. The update was published on the RRB website.

Travel passes for SC/ST candidates will also be released on 9 January.

The group C second stage exams will be held between 21 January and 23 January, reports The Indian Express, citing a note by the RRB. The results of the first stage examinations had been announced in November. But, after the answer keys were contested and questioned by many candidates, the RRB took action and released a revised set of results in December, says the report.


The candidates who appear for the second stage exams will be competing for 27,795 assistant loco pilot posts and 36,576 technician posts, reports The Indian Express. The candidates who clear the second stage exams will then need to clear an interview in order to make it to the final merit list.

The pay scale of successful candidates will be Rs 19,900 (Level 2 of 7th CPC pay matrix) plus other allowances as admissible, the report adds.

The update with details of the exam city and dates can be found on the RRB website.

(With inputs from The Indian Express.)

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