Beyonce helped Haddish calm down

Beyonce helped Haddish calm down

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Los Angeles, Feb 1 (IANS) Actress Tiffany Haddish says singer Beyonce Knowles talked her out of getting into a fight.In an interview with Vulture, the "Girls Trip" actress revealed the story behind her epic selfie with Beyonce and how the singer managed to stop her from getting into a fight at the party they were at, reports said: "Okay, so what had happened was, something had went down with somebody at the party, right? I'm not at liberty to say what had went down at the party, but Beyoncé was just telling me to have a good time, and I was like, ‘No, I'm gonna end up fighting this bitch!' She was like, ‘No, have fun, Tiffany,' and I said, ‘I'm only going to have fun if you take a selfie with me.' She said, ‘Okay,' and then she buried her face in my wig."Haddish's move worked and the two took a selfie together, which quickly went viral once the actress posted it on Instagram. But it didn't come without a little constructive criticism from the Grammy winner."We took the picture and I was like, ‘Is my wig slipping?' And she was like, ‘Mmm-hmm'," Haddish said. The actress also talked about her big moment reading the Oscar nominations last week. And though some people believed she was snubbed for her hilarious work in "Girls Trip", Haddish said she was just happy to be in the room.The Oscar ceremony will be held on March 4 here and it will air live in India on March 5 on Star Movies and Star Movies Select HD.--IANSsug/rb/mr

(This story was auto-published from a syndicated feed. No part of the story has been edited by The Quint.)

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