Heat Wave in India: 7 Easy Tips to Stay Safe From Heat Related Illnesses

Heat Wave in India: Here are some safety tips to prevent illnesses caused by excessive hot temperature.

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Safety Tips for Heat Waves in India: Different parts of India have been witnessing extreme heat waves from several days. The northern regions of country are facing sweltering weather conditions, particularly New Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, West Bengal,  Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and some parts of Uttar Pradesh. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has warned that the rise in temperature and heat waves may continue till 25 May 2024.

Heat waves are caused due to soaring temperatures and may lead to several heat related illnesses like heat stroke, heat rashes, heat exhaustion, dehydration, heat cramps, heat syncope, and more. If preventive measures are not taken, the persistent heat related illnesses may prove to be life threatening. Let us check out some easy and quick tips to stay safe from heat waves and related illnesses.


According to WHO, "Heatwaves, or heat and hot weather that can last for several days, can have a significant impact on society, including a rise in heat-related deaths. Heatwaves are among the most dangerous of natural hazards, but rarely receive adequate attention because their death tolls and destruction are not always immediately obvious.

7 Amazing Tips to Stay Safe From Heat Waves

If you want to stay safe from the ongoing heat wave in India, below are some of the easy and quick tips that you should follow.

Stay Indoors: Heat waves are at peak in the afternoon, especially between 12 pm to 3 pm. Therefore, you should stay indoors in this duration to avoid heat related illnesses.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water should be a routine for everyone. However, if you are someone who doesn't follow it, then you should start it right away. One of the best ways to stay safe from heat waves is hydration. Keep your body hydrated all the time by drinking lots of water and fluids. Consuming fruits and vegetables may also help in keeping your body hydrated.

Appropriate Clothing: People should wear loose fitted, light weight, light colored, and porous cotton clothes during extreme heat waves. This helps in escaping the sweat and keeps the body calm. People must wear goggles, hats, and scarves while going out in sun to seek protection from harmful UV rays.

From 1998-2017, more than 166, 000 people died due to heatwaves, including more than 70, 000 who died during the 2003 heatwave in Europe. Globally, extreme temperature events are observed to be increasing in their frequency, duration, and magnitude. Between 2000 and 2016, the number of people exposed to heatwaves increased by around 125 million, stated WHO.

Healthy Food: Eat fresh, healthy, and light meals during heat waves. This will not only keep you hydrated but also prevent gut problems that are quite common during summers. Avoid consuming stale food, instead include yogurt, green leafy vegetables, low protein foods, fresh fruits, and plenty of drinks in your diet to beat the scorching heat.

Keep you House Cool: When you are indoors, it is important to keep the house cool. Use curtains, shutters or sunshades during the day to avoid sun, and keep windows open during the night for fresh air. Avoid electric appliances like ovens, dryers, dishwashers, and more because they may increase the temperature inside your house.

Avoid Strenuous Exercises: Although staying fit and exercising is good for overall health, but people should avoid strenuous workouts during heat waves. Exercising during heat waves will not only increase your body temperature but will also lead to excessive dehydration, which may cause heat related illnesses.

Avoid Caffeine: People should stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks during heat waves. All these things cause dehydration which may trigger heat related illnesses like heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and more.

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Topics:  Heat Wave   heat waves   Heatwaves in India 

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