Walk Through Mumbai’s Royal Opera House With Richa Chadha

Do film actors have certain misconceptions about theatre artistes? Richa Chadha tells us.

2 min read

The exquisite Royal Opera House at Mumbai’s Charni Road was built in 1912, this is India’s only surviving opera house and was shut down in 1993 but reopened after restoration in 2016. Actor Richa Chadha recently performed for the play The Life In Telling along with Vinay Pathak at this fabulous venue and took us through the beautiful opera house which fuses European and Indian architectural styles.

Richa who trained as an actor under Barry John in Delhi and did her share of theatre before stepping into Bollywood talks theatre at the Royal Opera House.

Q: What is so special today?

Richa Chadha: The venue is very special. This is where MAMI happened two years ago, so I really love this place. I love all the art, I love that they’ve refurbished it and you know made sure that some of the elements are the same. Like this taint glass window, that looks very old!

Q: Tell us one misconception that film actors have about theatre artists?

Richa Chadha: A misconception that film actors have about theatre artists is that theatre actors are broke. By itself, theatre doesn’t pay us as much as films do, that is a fact. But depends if you’rein Broadway you can earn. And I think film people think that theatre people could be more intellectual than them, which is I guess it’s true. Because we read a lot of plays and we are exposed to a lot of literature. So that way theatre is very helpful.


Q: What is the single greatest thing about theatre?

Richa Chadha: Theatre is not something that one can reduce to a listicle. That this is the single most amazing thing or top 8 qualities of theatre. So, it’s just gorgeous because it’s a live performance. You get live feedback. And yet, you get to change it every time you do.

Q: What’s the coolest thing you’ve done so far?

Richa Chadha: The coolest thing I have ever done is become an actor. I guess, that’s the only thing I would say.


Q: What’s the scariest thing you’ve done?

Richa Chadha: Just perform ya, I think. My first day, on a film set was very scary. Because you don’t know anything,and people are watching you. Somebody is watching you know close-up. There are so many things, you don’t understand about technicalities.

Q: Tell us a dramatic dialogue from your play?

Richa Chadha: There is no dramatic dialogue from the play. You won’t believe me, so I’ll tell you my favourite dialogue from the play, ‘Please let me make tea for you!’ I hope that’s good enough cause I have a complex now suddenly that the lines aren’t dramatic enough.


Q: What’s the one thing you want to tell Barry John today?

Richa Chadha: Just thank you sir and thank you for being such an amazing support. And I love you and I’ll call you soon! Bye 😊

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Topics:  Mumbai   Richa Chadha   Royal Opera House 

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