Aryan Khan Looks Like a Young Shah Rukh Khan at the Ambani Party

Aryan Khan reminds us so much of SRK from the early 90s.

2 min read
Hindi Female

Gauri Khan arrived with son Aryan Khan for the Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta engagement party on Saturday night. The 19-year-old Khan looks just like a younger version of his dad Shah Rukh Khan. Aryan, who is studying abroad at the moment seems to be back home in Mumbai for a break. As always, Shah Rukh Khan arrived separately for the party.

Aryan Khan reminds us so much of SRK from the early 90s.
A close up of Aryan Khan. Memories of SRK from the 90s, anyone?
(Photo: Yogen Shah)
Aryan Khan reminds us so much of SRK from the early 90s.
That’s SRK from the early 90s.
Aryan Khan reminds us so much of SRK from the early 90s.
Aryan Khan is back in Mumbai for a break.
(Photo: Yogen Shah)

Shah Rukh Khan who arrived later at the party, posed for photos with wife Gauri and son Aryan.

Aryan Khan reminds us so much of SRK from the early 90s.
Aryan and Shah Rukh Khan with Gauri Khan at the engagement party.
(Photo: Yogen Shah)

Gauri Khan also shared pics of Aryan and her on her Instagram page.


Aryan who usually shies away from being clicked by photographers, made an exception at the Akash-Shloka engagement party on Saturday night as he posed with his mom for pictures.

Aryan Khan reminds us so much of SRK from the early 90s.
Aryan accompanied his mom for celebrations at the Ambani household.
(Photo: Yogen Shah)

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Topics:  Shah Rukh Khan   Aryan Khan   Akash Ambani 

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