‘Fight Against COVID-19 Is People-Driven’: PM Modi on Mann-Ki-Baat

Prime Minister Modi began his address by thanking the farmers of the country.

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"India's war against coronvirus is a people-driven war. People are coming forward to help everyone," Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on his monthly radio programme Mann-Ki-Baat at 11 am on Sunday, 26 April, as the country continues to be in a lockdown to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

In his first ‘Mann Ki Baat’ address on 29 March, PM Modi had apologised for “taking harsh steps that caused inconvenience to the common man,” while calling the fight against COVID-19 a battle of life and death.

“Have been getting several insightful inputs for this month's Mann Ki Baat. Do tune at 11 AM tomorrow,” he tweeted on Saturday evening.


PM Modi Hails Farmers

The Prime Minister began his address by thanking the farmers of the country.

“In the middle of this pandemic, farmers are ensuring that no one sleeps hungry in our country. Each person is fighting this war in their own capacity. While some are waiving house rent, many labourers in quarantine are whitewashing the school etc.”

'I Bow Before The People Of This Country'

“I bow and respect the 130 crore people of this country for what they are doing during this time. Every sector has been innovating during this period. Whether it is people from Aviation or Railways, they are all working to make our lives easier. They are working hard to deliver medicines and other essentials to all parts of the country,” said the Prime Minister.

New Online Platform For Corona Queries

During the Mann Ki Baat, the Prime Minister also announced the Union government's latest online platform for coronavirus-related queries called He urged the people to come forward and become warriors themselves in the fight against coronavirus.


'Healthcare Workers Have Hailed Latest Ordinance'

The Prime Minister spoke about the Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Ordinance 2020, which amended the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897. The Amendment provides for compensation to injured healthcare service personnel and for damage or loss to property.

"Many health care workers have hailed the latest ordinance brought in to protect them. This law was necessary to protect our doctors and nurses", said the Prime Minister.


'Perception Of Police Has Changed With The Crisis'

“Our society has changed. We are realising new factors everyday. We are finding new ways to appreciate people who have been helping us. Many on social media are acknowledging the work being done by our coronavirus warriors. Our perception about our police have also changed significantly. This change in perception will play a huge role in future,” said PM Modi.

'Fall Back On Ancient Teachings'

“Over the last few days, India has taken many steps that have helped many countries. During this period we do not need to help everyone but we chose to help our friends. We have helped many countries with their medical needs. Many world leaders have thanked the people of India for the help we have extended. People around the world are falling back to Ayurveda and Yoga to fight COVID-19. We need to be more confident about our old teachings. Our youth have to carry forward these teachings,” Prime Minister Modi said during the address.

'Wearing Masks Will Soon Be The New Normal'

“We need to wear marks. It has become a part of our daily lives. It has not happened before. But this is the new reality. Our perception about masks will change very soon. We are also realising that spitting has become hazardous. We have always been aware of it but we never cared. But now we have to work to end this habit”, said the Prime Minister.

In the last ‘Mann Ki Baat’, the PM also had some guests – Indians who had earlier tested positive for COVID-19 and recovered succesfully – to share their thoughts with him.

Since the previous address, a second phase of nationwide lockdown has been imposed which will end on 3 May. The government has also announced some relaxations in the lockdown rules including opening neighbourhood and stand-alone shops providing non-essential goods and services but under certain conditions.

The number of coronavirus cases in the country rose to 26,496 on Sunday, with the tally including 19,868 active cases, 824 deaths, 5,803 cured or discharged patients and one migrated patient, according to the Health Ministry figures.

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