Truly the People’s President: Indian-Americans Mourn Dr Kalam

The Indian-American community, across all spectrums, came together in one voice to mourn the death of APJ Abdul Kalam

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It’s not for nothing that former president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is called the ‘People’s President’. His demise is being mourned not merely by his countrymen on Indian shores – but also across the world in one voice – particularly by the Indian-American community in the US.

The usually vociferous community said that it was Kalam’s “simplicity and humility” that had endeared him to all.

His simplicity, humility, and inspiring personality endeared him to all and he is the most popular president of India in recent times. He inspired millions of children and youth of the nation and gave motivational speeches across the country
– Chandra Patel, President, Overseas Friends of BJP-US

Dr. Kalam was indeed a people’s President, and beloved child of India. All Indians across the world salute him for his invaluable contributions to India. His death is a tremendous loss to the nation and creates a big void that is hard to fill
– Chandra Patel

The North America Telugu Society (NATS) in a statement said, it is “deeply saddened” at the sudden demise of Kalam. The Telugu Association of North America (TANA) also stated,

Dr. Kalam had a special relationship with the Telugu land, spending a major portion of his life here.

Indian-American attorney Ravi Batra declared,

(Kalam’s) love of nation and peaceful celebratory co-existence of multiple faiths are an enduring lesson of humility.

India has indeed lost one of the iconic leaders of all time and the passing away of former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has left a tremendous void, Chairman of the Indian National Overseas Congress, US, George Abraham said.

Kalam, who would have turned 84 in October, died after suffering a massive cardiac arrest during a lecture at the IIM Shillong yesterday.


(With inputs from PTI)

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