Apple recently announced its new lineup of iPhone 12 which starts at Rs 69,000 for the iPhone 12 mini 64 GB variant. The company also announced the repair costs for the iPhone 12 variants on its US website, including the prices for its Apple Care+ subscription. Even though the one-year warranty covers costs of repairs, it does not cover accidental damages.
Thus, its best to know what the repair costs will be for your prized iPhone 12 before you bite the bullet.
The Apple Care+ subscription in India covers accidental damages and costs Rs 16,900 for the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini. For the iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max, the price in India in Rs 26,900.
According to the prices listed on Apple's US website, a new screen on the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro in the US costs $279 (roughly Rs. 21,000). Screen repair costs $189 (roughly Rs. 14,000) on the iPhone 11, $279 (roughly Rs. 21,000) on the 11 Pro, and $329 (roughly Rs. 24,000) on the 11 Pro Max. It costs $199 (roughly Rs. 14,000) on the iPhone XR and $129 (Rs 10,000) on the iPhone SE (2nd generation).
Given the prices of the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro in India, it is likely that repair costs will also be higher than the US.
The iPhone 12 and 12 Pro can be pre-ordered starting 23 October and will become available on 30 October. The iPhone 12 mini and the iPhone 12 Pro Max can be pre-ordered starting 6 November and will become available on 13 November.