Struggling With ‘Summer Constipation’? These 15 Foods Can Help

5 min read

Summer usually brings with it lazy belly constipation because of dehydration, as scorching heat can drain away the water from your body and make the stools hard and difficult to pass.

And to top that thanks to the pandemic and our restricted movements (and almost nil exercise) this problem is becoming more chronic these days and even those who have never faced it before are facing quarantine constipation now.

And this is happening to everyone, all age groups, even younger people.

Facing constipation?

Instead of opting for the over the counter laxatives that often turn a no-problem into big trouble in the long run, try these absolutely natural home remedies to correct the imbalance and set your gut right as soon as possible.

  • Warm Water

Have warm water at least 30 minutes before and again 30 minutes after the meal.

This helps cleanse the digestive system and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice in the stomach, solving constipation.

  • Ginger Cuppa

Have ginger water with honey twice or thrice a day.

Ginger and honey both contain natural laxative properties that helps to promote bowel movement.

  • Herbal Help

Boil raisin, ajwain (carrom seeds), sauf (fennel seeds), ginger in 2 cup of water until it remains 1 cup and have this drink at bedtime.

All four help the gut immensely.

  • Lemon Water

Lemon contains citric acid that works as a stimulant in the digestive system and helps flush out toxins from the body providing you relief from constipation.

Squeeze lemon in lukewarm water and also add some honey for double the benefit.

  • Ghee Solution

Add an extra tsp of ghee to your veggies, or have a cup of milk with ghee at bedtime.

If you can’t have milk, have it in warm water.

This helps combat dryness in the excretory tract.
  • The Green Effect

Have wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass cleans the intestines and helps cut bloating, abdominal discomfort and constipation.

Just add wheatgrass powder to water and have or to make it fresh pulverise wheatgrass with water in a blender, strain and drink.

  • Gulkand Delight

Have gulkand with milk at night.

To make add warm milk to a gulkand, mix well and drink. Can add sugar or jaggery (optional).

Gulkand is a natural coolant (great for summers) and also a mild laxative.

  • Have Bhindi

Okra is a good bet as it contains constipation-fighting insoluble fiber, as well as vitamin B6 and folate, both of which help keep the digestion humming along just fine.

  • Anjeer Works

Figs are a mild laxative and are loaded with the necessary fibre.

Have 2 dried figs (anjeer) or boil them in milk, mash them and drink at night.

  • Prunes Help

Prunes are a big help as they are packed with insoluble fibre, as well as the natural laxatives sorbitol and dihydrophenylisatin.

So snack on them—fresh or dried whatever you can get hold of.

  • Eat An Amla

Amla being high in fibre helps in regularising bowel movement.

It also stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and thus has a positive effect on digestion.

  • Have Pumpkin Seeds

This helps as these seeds are loaded with magnesium, a mineral that most of us tend to be deficient in.

Magnesium attracts water in the colon (softens stools) and also helps relaxes the muscles in the intestines (helps establish a smoother rhythm that prevents constipation).

Have 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds

  • Turn To Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains anthraquinones, or natural laxatives which help the stimulation of peristalsis (the muscle movement that moves food through the digestive tract).

  • Have Buttermilk

Very often when the balance between the good and the bad bacteria gets skewed (due to antibiotics, stress or wrong eating).

Buttermilk delivers probiotics, the “good” bacteria can help restore the balance of the good bacteria in the gut and get our digestive tract working again.
  • Fix it with flaxseeds

Ground up flaxseed help, as does flaxseed oil.

They are a great source of fibre, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which help gut health. Plus they provide both soluble and insoluble fibre.

Just chew roasted flaxseeds, grind them into a powder and sprinkle on your oats, cereals etc, or mix into water or milking drink daily.


(Kavita is a nutritionist, weight management consultant and health writer based in Delhi. She is the author of Don't Diet! 50 Habits of Thin People (Jaico) and Ultimate Grandmother Hacks: 50 Kickass Traditional Habits for a Fitter You (Rupa))

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