On 17 June, Shilpa Shetty Kundra launched her eponymous fitness app at an event. During the event, held in the presence of the media, Shilpa not only demonstrated some yoga asanas but also answered questions about yoga to create awareness.
She said that the app has a section for dietary counselling as well because just working out or practicing yoga is not enough. The Bollywood celebrity is a known yoga enthusiast and is often seen promoting the practice.
During the event, Shilpa Shetty also took the time out to thank PM Narendra Modi for giving the world an opportunity to celebrate yoga - a practice that is so close to the Indian culture.
Recently, Shilpa Shetty Kundra was seen teaching Yoga to the people in Surat, Gujarat. Around 3,000 people attended the gathering and cheered for her while she taught some famous Yoga moves.
Speaking to ANI, she said that she was surprised to see such a big turnout and was happy that people were embracing the spirit of Yoga Day.
Shilpa has also been setting some major fitness goals with her Yoga videos and posts on social media.
In one of her posts on social media, she reveals a way to exploit your sweet tooth without carrying the guilt of calories.
“There's nothing better than devouring a chocolate popsicle, GUILT-FREE! Here's one of the easiest ways to indulge your sweet tooth any day of the week with these Dairy-free Choco Pops. What are the benefits, you ask? It's sugar-free, dairy-free, and hassle-free; and the kids will love it - so it's tantrum-free as well! Go for it”, she wrote as the caption.