Actor Malaika Arora recently took to Instagram to share a photo of her girl gang - particularly her sister Amrita Arora, Karisma Kapoor, Maheep Kapoor, Seema Khan, Dolly Sidhwani, and Anu Dewan. In the photo you can see the woman posing and smiling brightly at the camera.
Actor Karisma Kapoor also shared the same photo with a caption that confirms that the women were indeed out on a fun lunch together. “ Girls just wanna have lunch”, wrote Karisma on Instagram.
Karisma Kapoor is set to make her digital debut in Mentalhood, a web series by ALTBalaji. Directed by Karishma Kohli, the show will explore the trials and travails of motherhood. Karishma, who is a mom to two kids off screen, will play Meira Sharma, a Mumbai mother who is trying navigate the world of parenting right and decides to start a blog to reach out to others like her.
Malaika Arora was most recently seen at the screening of Arjun Kapoor’s India’s Most Wanted which released on 24 May. The film follows the story of a team of five common people who embark on a mission to catch one of India’s most deadliest terrorists.
A fitness enthusiast, Malaika is always sharing fitness related posts on Instagram. “Fitness is an integral part of my life. Regardless of an intense workout or a calming yoga session, support is what you need the most. “ she recently captioned one of her photos.
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