Anil Sharma's Gadar 2, starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel in lead roles, has entered the Rs 300 crore club in India. As per a report by, the film earned nearly Rs 20 crore at the domestic box office on the second Friday since its release on 11 August.
The report also stated that Gadar 2 earned Rs 19.50 crore in India on its eighth day, as per early estimates. So far, the film has earned Rs 304.13 crore at the domestic box office.
Following the tremendous response to the movie, the team held a press conference earlier this week. Sunny told the media, "I was quite stressed before the release of the film. When the movie was released, I cried and laughed the entire night. My father was around and he saw me. I told him, 'I have not had alcohol. Main khush aa main ki kara (I am happy, what can I do)'."