Trial by Fire, directed by Prashant Nair, starring Abhay Deol and Rajshri Deshpande is a seven-part Netflix series based on the Uphaar Cinema tragedy of 1997. It is a gripping story, where episode after episode you feel deeply for the characters and experience their pain and anger. As someone who has been reporting on the fire tragedy since 2016, I can vouch for the sincerity and sensitivity of the makers of the film.
Tune in to listen to my full review.
Podcast: Do I Like Kuttey?
In life, things happen. And even if nothing happens, that’s something happening. So, on this show, we talk about things that happen. We get an esteemed panel of highly jobless people to answer the million-dollar question: Do I Like It?
Now, ‘It’ can be a movie, a song, a gadget, or the latest viral trend. But the question remains the same. So, if you like listening to people talk about things, tune in, and we’ll tell you: Do I Like It?