On Tuesday, 10 October, Aamir Khan said that he will star in and produce a feature film titled Sitaare Zameen Par. During a session at News18's ‘Amrit Ratna 2023’ event in New Delhi, Aamir shared a few details about the project.
"I am starring in and producing this film titled Sitaare Zameen Par. We are going ten steps ahead with the theme of Taare Zameen Par. That film made you cry, this one will make you laugh. In Taare, I helped Darsheel’s character, but in this film nine people, with their own set of problems, will help me,” Aamir said.
Taare Zameen Par followed the struggles of an eight-year-old boy Ishaan, who has been diagnosed with dyslexia. Aamir played the role of his art teacher, who discovers Ishaan's true potential.
Aamir, who hasn't announced any acting project since the release of his 2022 film Laal Singh Chaddha, said that he is currently busy with his production ventures. “I’m doing three films as a producer. There is Laapata Ladies, directed by Kiran (Rao). It comes out on 5 January. Another one is with my son Junaid (Khan), and Lahore 1947 with Rajkumar Santoshi and Sunny Deol. I’m looking forward to them," he added.