A viral video of a man dancing is being shared with the claim that he is Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Raut with some social media users claiming that the video was taken after Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation officials demolished ‘illegal alterations’ at actor Kangana Ranaut's Mumbai office-cum-residence Manikarnika Films.
However, neither is the video recent nor is Raut dancing in the video. The video is actually from November 2019, when Head Constable Lakshman Bhadarge in Maharashtra’s Parbhani police had attended a wedding.
The claim shared along with the video reads: “Sanjay Raut dancing video after demolished Kangana office. must watch. (sic)”
Social media users shared the same video to take a dig at the executive editor of Sena mouthpiece ‘Saamana.’
The video is being massively shared on Twitter and YouTube with a similar narrative.
We came across a YouTube video that was uploaded in 2019 making the same claim, thereby establishing the fact that it is definitely not a recent video.
We got in touch with local journalists who said that the video went viral in 2019 as well and even then there were denials that it is not Raut in the video.
We, then searched with Marathi keywords and came across a video uploaded in December 2019 by Saam TV news, which is a channel owned by Sakal media group. The video mentioned that the man seen in the video is actually police officer Lakshman Bhadarge.
According to the video, the police officer is posted in Parbhani police. Parbhani is a city in Maharashtra.
Moreover, another YouTube handle of Sakal Media had uploaded a video in 2019 claiming that the man in the video is Bhadarge.
Further, speaking to The Quint, Head Constable Bhadarge confirmed that it is actually him in the viral video.
“The video is from November 2019. I was attending my friend’s son’s wedding. Even earlier, the video had gone viral with the false claim that it shows Sanjay Raut,” he said.
Evidently, an old video of a Parbhani Police officer dancing at a wedding is being shared with a false claim that it shows Sanjay Raut.
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