Welcome to the Know Your Constitution Daily Quiz by The Quint, where we ask you one question every day about lesser-known facts regarding the Constitution.
What better way to celebrate 73 years of India being a Republic than by learning more about the seminal document that proclaimed India to be a sovereign democratic republic on 26 January 1950?
So, without further ado, here's the Know Your Constitution Question of The Day #3.
In which of these forms was the original version of the Indian Constitution published?
Here are your options.
Decide on an option before you scroll down any further.
All set? Okay, time for the right answer.
And the Correct Answer Is…
Option number 2: Calligraphed.
The Indian Constitution is not printed. The English version was calligraphed by hand by Prem Behari Narain Raizada in a flowing italic style. It was published in Dehradun.
Happy quizzing!