Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik, on Wednesday, 17 November, filed an affidavit in the Bombay High Court with additional documents to substantiate the allegations he levelled against Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) Zonal director Sameer Wankhede. This development comes in the defamation case filed against Malik by Wankhede’s father Dhyandev Wankhede.
Malik’s latest affidavit, as per LiveLaw, includes Sameer Wankhede’s school mission form and primary school leaving certificate, where he has been mentioned as 'Muslim'.
This is to substantiate Malik’s allegation that despite being born Muslim, Wankhede claimed he belonged to a Scheduled Caste while securing his central government job.
Justice Madhav Jamdar has reportedly agreed to hear the matter, with the case likely to be listed for Friday afternoon.
Previously, Wankhede’s counsel had placed 28 documents on record, including caste certificates, passport, and Wankhede’s school leaving certificate, in a bid to establish that his father’s name was “Dhyandev” and he hailed from the Mahar community.
Wankhede has sought Rs 1.25 crore in damages from Malik. The plea has also requested the court to ensure that Malik deletes the defamatory statements and tweets about his family, and has also sought preventive measures for the same.
(With inputs from LiveLaw.)