In Karnataka, the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti on Monday, 25 April, accused a school of forcing students to carry the Bible.
"The declaration of the school administration to compulsorily carry and read the Bible for all students is a religious conspiracy. This is a violation of Articles 25 and 30 of the Indian Constitution. The Supreme Court has also said that no person can force religious teachings on children of other religions. This is the violation of Supreme Court as well," the Karnataka spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Mohan Gowda, was quoted as saying by ANI.
“We have raised an objection on this issue and the parents of these children are also with us. We will meet the Karnataka Education Minister soon, and raise our concern,” he added.
The school in question is Clarence High School.
According to India Today, there is a parents' declaration in the admission form for class 11 students, that says, "You affirm that your child will attend all classes including Morning Assembly Scripture Class and Clubs for his/her own moral and spiritual welfare and will not object to carry the Bible and Hymn Book during his/her stay at Clarence High School.''
(With inputs from ANI and India Today.)