Madhu Priya, the daughter of a vegetable vendor from Chennai, Tamil Nadu recently shared some amazing news on her LinkedIn profile that has since gone viral and earned a lot of praises.
In her post, she talks about how she was recently promoted from a Sr HR Associate to an Associate Manager at an Indian MNC called Full Potential Solutions, and dedicated it to her mother.
Priya spoke about her mother and shared that as a child, she would be furious with her mother when she turned up last at her school's parent-teacher meetings. It was only many years later that Priya's mother explained to her that she did it intentionally so as to not embarrass her daughter about the fact that she was a vegetable vendor's daughter.
"I felt terrible for not understanding her and not having the chance to show my friends how proud I am of her. So, here I am, taking this opportunity to show the world that I am a PROUD VEGETABLE VENDOR'S daughter who defied all odds and thrived her way to today," wrote Priya in her post.
She has also mentioned that she is a first-generation learner in the family, and the first girl child in the family to have a master's degree, and the first girl to get campus placed in an Indian MNC.
She even took the opportunity to thank some of her seniors who had believed in her and her capabilities, and for rewarding her for her contributions.
"Thanks to my mom for her constant support and encouragement that I am far better from where my neighbors thought I would be," she added.
Many people responded in the comments with words of encouragement and praise for Madhu.
It is inspirational stories like these that show us how success thrives in the face of adversity and if you put in the hard work, it doesn't matter where you are from, all that matters is your work.