Delhi Police posted a witty message on X after India defeated Pakistan in the T20 World Cup in New York. The tweet, shared early Monday, has garnered over 500,000 views.
As jubilant celebrations erupted globally for India's win, Delhi Police shared a post on X, tagging the New York Police, which has since gone viral on social media.
"Hey, @NYPDnews. We heard two loud noises. One is "Indiaaa..India!", and another is probably of broken televisions. Can you please confirm?," the post read.
For the unversed, India's tense six-run victory over Pakistan in their ICC T20 World Cup 2024 match on Sunday sparked celebrations worldwide, especially among Rohit Sharma's fans.
The win dealt a blow to Pakistan's hopes for Super 8 qualification while almost securing India's spot in the next round.
Here are some of the reactions to the tweet:
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