22-year-old Avnish Chhikara from Sonipat, Haryana, recently got a job at Amazon with an annual salary of Rs 67 lakh. A B.Tech graduate from Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Avnish had first interned with the corporate giant before he was offered his job.
Avnish paid for his graduate studies by home tutoring other students. He also said that he would study 10 hours a day after returning from his engineering coaching. This was also the time he applied for an internship at Amazon for a monthly stipend of Rs 2.4 lakh.
"There were times when I had no money to pay my university fees, but I managed somehow, partially by giving home tuitions," he said in a statement to The Times of India.
He was offered a job soon after his internship was completed, and he claims that his pay is expected to increase to Rs 1 crore in the coming year. He hopes to inspire and motivate other students through his hard work and dedication.