(This article has been republished from The Quint’s archives on the occasion of Michelle Obama’s 56th birthday. It was first published on 11 January 2017.)
Love finds itself in a rather dodgy place these days. Whether it’s celeb couples or our friends, people are heading for splitsville left, right and centre. Even though we go berserk over Valentine’s Day every year, we seem to be failing to treat the liaisons of the heart with the patience, compassion and grace they so need to withstand the hailstorm of time. But the Obamas are a marked exception in the way they stand out in this rather disheartening scenario.
US President Barack Obama paid a touching tribute to wife Michelle in his farewell speech today. And it made us stop and look back at some of the nuggets that the duo has shared about their relationship over the years. From PDA to gently teasing each other to being honest about the highs and lows of their marriage, the Obamas have left us with a love manual of sorts.
A must-peek if you want to know how to love and nurture your partner in these insecure times.