The Madras High Court reportedly stayed the production of the Hindi remake of the Tamil film Soorarai Pottru starring Suriya. The remake was to be produced by Suriya’s 2D Entertainment and Vikram Malhotra’s Abundantia Entertainment.
The Court reportedly issued an injunction restraining 2D Entertainment from exploiting the Hindi rights of the film, Bombay Times reported.
The Tamil film, Soorarai Pottru, which released in November 2020, is inspired by Captain GR Gopinath’s book ‘Simply Fly- A Deccan Odyssey’. It was produced by Suriya and Guneet Monga’s Sikhya Entertainment, and directed by Sudha Kongara.
Guneet reportedly approached the Madras High Court against Suriya and alleged that the Tamil film was to be made by Sikhya and Suriya together but the latter entered into a deal with Abundantia without her consent.
A source told ETimes, “Apparently, 2D Entertainment selling the rights to Abundantia Entertainment without Sikhya’s consent and not fulfiling obligations under the original agreement between them led to Sikhya making the move.”
Soorarai Pottru revolves around a former Indian Air Force captain "Maara" who wants to star a low-cost airline and the challenges he faces.