On Monday, the Bombay High Court expressed concern regarding the media reports about Shilpa Shetty's children following the arrest of her husband and businessman Raj Kundra in the pornography racket case, as per a report by Live Law. Raj Kundra and his associate Ryan Thorpe have been granted bail in the case.
The court was hearing a defamation suit filed by Shilpa against media houses for sensationalism to increase their readership.
The report states that Advocate Abhinav Chandrachud, appearing for Shilpa Shetty, told the court that they were in discussion with a number of media portals, who have agreed to remove the 'objectionable' content.
Justice Gautam Patel, hearing the case, asked Shilpa to divide the defendants into private vloggers and bloggers and traditional media outlets. Justice Patel observed, "Traditional media will understand the rationale. Unfortunately, we can't say the same about private vloggers and bloggers. I am not concerned about Shilpa Shetty as she can handle herself. I am more concerned about her minor children. Media reports on Shetty's personal life with her kids are a cause for concern. In such cases, the children are in the centre".
The matter has been listed for hearing on 1 October.
In July, the court had refused to pass a blanket gag on the media. It had stated that none of the outlets should be involved in publication of Shilpa as a parent to minor children.