Spanish Body Painter Uses Pregnant Bumps As Her Canvas

A Spanish body painter is decorating the blossoming baby bumps of expecting mothers with incredible paintings.
Prashant Bhardwaj
Spanish baby bump painter. (Photo Courtesy: AP Screengrab)

Spanish baby bump painter. (Photo Courtesy: AP Screengrab)

A Spanish body painter is giving the most memorable moments to expecting mothers after decorating their blossoming baby bumps with incredible paintings.

Fatima Carrion Alfonso, 32, from Sant Felio de Guixols, has become a household name in Spain for her incredible artworks.

The mother of one has painted over 200 pregnant bellies over a span of three years and her clientele has been growing.

Fatima calls it a way of celebrating her artistic skills and motherhood with fellow would-be mums.

(With inputs from AP)

Video Editor: Ashutosh Bhardwaj

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