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Manjhi’s Ship Sinks in Bihar: What Lies Ahead?

Bihar CM Jitan Ram Manjhi has resigned. He has now left only turmoil and uncertainty in the wake of his resignation.
Shaswati Das

Nitish Kumar will be sworn in as Bihar’s new Chief Minister on Sunday. So what really led to the political crisis?  What can Bihar expect now? - The Quint spoke exclusively to Bihar expert and Member Secretary, Asian Development Research Institute, Shaibal Gupta.   

Bihar As Of Today

With Bihar Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi’s sudden resignation, Bihar finds itself staring at political uncertainty. Is Majhi a write off? Too early to tell, says Gupta. Manjhi may now be wooed by political parties, especially the RJD. Or, he may even go back to the JD(U). It all depends on what happens over the next couple of days. As they say, there are no permanent friends or foes in politics.  

Once Upon A Time

This saga began in 2005 when Kumar took over as the Bihar CM. He crafted an inclusive coalition of upper caste, dalits and the downtrodden. Kumar ruled Bihar for 8-9 years and implemented many initiatives to revive the state. Yet despite all the good work, Kumar personally lost the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

Still leader of the JD(U) Kumar then appointed Manjhi as Chief Minister. However instead of towing Kumar’s line, Manjhi went on to steal Kumar’s thunder and usurp his position. 

Those Who Stood Up For Manjhi

The first sign of open dissent emerged when Manjhi and his loyalist MLAs, supported an Independent candidate instead of the JD(U) nominee in last year’s Rajya Sabha elections. They were suspended but despite that some Kumar team members joined Manjhi.

 BJP’s Ulterior Motive

Over the last few months Manjhi has created a niche for himself among the dalit and the poor. Gupta says probably that is what the BJP wanted to cash in on. They harboured the notion that if Manjhi was removed at Nitish Kumar’s behest, it would not go down well with dalits - who would invariably end up supporting Manjhi.

What Happens Now?

One will have to wait till Nitish Kumar is invited to take oath of office. But even if he does, it remains to be seen whether he can bring back the quality of governance that Bihar enjoyed earlier. 

Another coalition is being crafted - between the RJD and the Congress. One needs to watch how that shapes up.

However, BJP’s aura is sure to diminish in the next couple of months, especially after its debacle in the recently concluded Delhi Assembly polls. By the time Bihar goes to the polls in November, political equations on the ground may change substantially. 

As told to Shaswati Das.

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Published: 20 Feb 2015,07:10 PM IST

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