Hrithik Roshan Slams Kangana Haters on Twitter Without Naming Her

The actor came out in defence of the actress on Twitter without naming her. 
The Quint
Hrithik has slammed people on the Twitter giving Kangana a tough time. (Photo: Poster)
Hrithik has slammed people on the Twitter giving Kangana a tough time. (Photo: Poster)

On Sunday evening, ‘Character less Kangana’ started trending on Twitter. Evidently, Hrithik-lovers and Kangana-haters were working over time to run the actress down on social media.

An anti-Kangana lobby seems to have been hard at work on Twitter on Sunday

However, Hrithik Roshan seemed to get miffed at all the negativity aimed at Kangana Ranaut. The actor immediately jumped in and tweeted defending the actress without naming her.

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