Over 70 people were saved by a Sikh father-son duo during the violence in Gokulpuri area in Delhi, on 24 February. Mohinder Singh, with the help of his son, transported Muslim families from Gokulpuri market area to Kardampuri on two-wheelers, ANI reported.
‘My son and I shifted about 60 to 70 Muslims during the violence. I was on my scooter and my son was on his bullet. We made 20 rounds from Gokulpuri to Kardampuri area. They were afraid and seeing their fear we decided to shift them from here.’Mohinder Singh
'I Was Reminded of the 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots’
Mohinder Singh said the violence in Delhi reminded him of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots, which he was witness to.
At the time, he says, the Sikh community had given turbans to Muslim men with beards, after having rescued the women and children from the area.
‘We did this only for humanity, as we saw them as humans instead of just a person from another religion.’Mohinder Singh
At least 42 people have died and more than 200 people have sustained serious injuries in the communal violence that rocked north-east Delhi for four days. Two Special Investigation Teams (SIT) have been constituted under the Delhi Police's Crime Branch to investigate the violence.
(With inputs from ANI)