Bollywood celebs including Karan Johar, Rani Mukerji, John Abraham, Hrithik and Rakesh Roshan and David Dhawan were spotted visiting Ajay Devgn and Kajol’s residence in Juhu, Mumbai, to offer their condolences after the demise of Ajay’s father, action director Veeru Devgan. Rakesh Roshan has worked with Veeru Devgan in films such as Karan Arjun and Khoon Bhari Maang. Rani Mukerji is Kajol’s cousin and has starred opposite Ajay in Chori Chori.
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Veeru Devgan passed away after a prolonged illness on 27 May at the age of 85 years. He had been keeping ill health and was admitted at Surya Hospital in Mumbai. He has choreographed fight sequences of many iconic films, including Ajay Devgn and Amitabh Bachchan-starrer Hindustan Ki Kasam, Mr Natwarlal, Himmatwala, Kranti, Shahenshah, Tridev, and Phool Aur Kaante.