The BJP on Sunday, 3 February, launched a month-long exercise to seek over 10 crore suggestions from people across the country, which will form the basis of its 'sankalp patra' (manifesto) for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the party said.
BJP President Amit Shah and Home Minister Rajnath Singh, who is also heading the party's manifesto committee for the polls, launched the programme in New Delhi on Sunday.
"Before 2014, for over 30 years, there were coalition governments (at the Centre). During this time, about 10 crore families use to think if the government could deliver... Amid such doubts, 2014 polls were held and people voted for the BJP and the government led by Modi ji (with majority) was formed," news agency ANI quoted Shah as saying at the launch.
The exercise has been named ‘Bharat ke mann ki baat, Modi ki saath’.
"We are starting this programme with the belief that it will prove to be the biggest cooperative exercise to draw outlines for the country's future," BJP’s media head and Rajya Sabha MP Anil Baluni had told PTI on Saturday, 2 February.
Baluni further said the BJP will reach out to people across the country through various means to seek their views.
People's aspirations and expectations have been a key basis of the Modi government's works, and it has been able to improve the living standard of crores of families, he claimed.
(With inputs from ANI and PTI)