Bihar police have arrested a relative of Shaista Parveen alias Madhu, one of the key accused in the Muzaffarpur shelter home sexual abuse case. Vicky, who is Madhu’s relative, has been arrested in connection with the same case.
Madhu, a key associate of Brajesh Thakur has been mentioned in the CBI charge sheet. She is presently in police custody over an FIR lodged on 6 June, 2018 in connection with the disappearance of 11 women and four children from another shelter home run by Thakur.
While probing the case, the CBI had alleged that the girls at the shelter home were taken to Madhu’s residence where they “were taught to dance and solicit men”.
On 7 January 2019, a 73-page charge sheet filed by the CBI revealed that the minor girls at the shelter home were forced to dance to vulgar songs in scanty clothing for his guests, and have sex with Brajesh Thakur’s guests.
Horrific details emerged that as many as 34 of the 42 inmates had been sexually assaulted. Some of them were drugged and raped by the guests.