BJP’s Babul Supriyo, who has been recently appointed Minister of State (Environment), criticised West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for objecting to BJP supporters shouting “Jai Shri Ram” allegedly to create unrest “mixing religion with politics".
"She is an experienced politician but her behaviour is abnormal and bizarre," he told ANI, adding, “She should keep in mind the dignity of the post she holds. She should take a break for a few days. She's rattled by BJP's presence in Bengal."
“She is the cause for so many memes on social media. It is not good for anyone. From my constituency Asansol, we will send ‘get well soon’ cards to Mamata Banerjee. Something is definitely not well with Didi, and she needs to answer that.”Babul Supriyo
The BJP had planned to send 10 lakh post cards with Jai Shri Ram written on them to Mamata Banerjee.
In a Facebook post, Mamata Banerjee on Sunday, 2 June, said that although she respects the sentiments behind religious slogans like ‘Jai Shri Ram’, the BJP was mixing religion with politics by repeatedly using the phrase.
“Jai Sia Ram, Jai Ram ji ki, Ram naam Satya hai etc have religious and social connotations. We respect these sentiments. But BJP is using religious slogan Jai Sri Ram as their party slogan in a misconceived manner by way of mixing religion with politics (sic).”Mamata Banerjee, in a Facebook post
(With inputs from ANI)
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