A bar in Gurugram decided to cancel the stand-up show of comedian Kunal Kamra, scheduled to be held on 17 and 18 September, after Hindutva outfits like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Bajrang Dal threatened to protest and disrupt the event if it was not cancelled.
"We have decided to cancel the show. I do not want any trouble. Two men from Bajrang Dal had come and they threatened to disrupt the show. They objected to the show and said that they will not allow the show to happen," Studio Xo Bar's general manager Sahil Dawra was quoted as saying by The Indian Express.
The general manager of the bar also said that he did not want put his company at risk and that he had not lodged any police complaint regarding the matter.
'Kamra Is Anti-Hindu, Mocks Hindu Gods During Shows': VHP's Letter
On Friday, 9 September, members of the VHP and Bajrang Dal had written a letter to the deputy commissioner, in which they called Kamra "anti-Hindu" and said that he "mocks and makes fun of Hindu deities in his show."
"An FIR has also been filed against him earlier in this regard. A tense situation may arise in Gurgaon due to this show," the letter by the VHP read.
They also said that members of the Hindutva outfits would protest if the shows were to go ahead.
"In the name of freedom of speech, some artists want to destroy art completely. We will not let him (Kamra) perform anywhere. We will protest democratically and teach such people that Hindu sentiments must be respected," VHP spokesperson Vinod Bansal said.
However, Kamra said that he had not yet been informed about any cancellation of the event.
"The organisers are yet to reach out to me regarding the cancellation. So, I cannot comment more on this," he was quoted as saying by The Indian Express.
(With inputs from The Indian Express.)
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