The Delhi government, on Monday, 22 November, lifted the ban on construction and demolition activities, the state's environment minister Gopal Rai said, reported PTI. A meeting on Wednesday, 24 November, will decide the further course of action.
However, Rai said that if any agency was found violating dust control norms, the government would stop their work and impose a penalty on them without notice.
The city's air quality index remained in the very poor category on Monday at 307 but was down from Sunday's, 21 November, 349. According to officials, the improvement in the pollution levels and visibility was due to the strong surface winds.
What're the new rules? Here's all you need to know.
When can schools reopen?
Schools in the national capital will remain closed until further orders in the National Capital Region (NCR) and adjoining areas, owing to the city's rising levels of air pollution.
Will work from home continue as well?
The Delhi government has also asked its employees to continue working from home till Friday, 26 November.
Are there any restrictions on transporation?
No. The state government has extended the ban on entry of trucks carrying non-essential items into Delhi till Friday, 26 November, PTI reported.
Rai said the government had hired 1,000 private CNG-operated buses to cater to public.
These buses will have 'Paryavaran Bus Sewa' written on them – for identification.
What is the air quality situation in NCR?
Meanwhile, the Air Quality Index (AQI) of Gurugram, Greater Noida, Faridabad, and Noida stood at 318, 213, 326, and 268, respectively.
An AQI between zero and 50 is considered 'good', 51 and 100 'satisfactory', 101 and 200 'moderate', 201 and 300 'poor', 301 and 400 'very poor', and between 401 and 500 is considered 'severe'.
(With inputs from PTI)