Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) district president of Muzaffarnagar Kamal Gautam has been arrested for allegedly inciting violence during the countrywide protests by Dalit groups on 2 April against the alleged dilution of the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, police said on Friday, 6 April.
Senior Superintendent of Police Anant Dev told reporters that Gautam was arrested on Thursday night, once it was found that he had allegedly incited a mob of protesters who turned violent and damaged property.
Gautam was produced in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate Ritu Nager, who sent him to judicial custody until 20 April, senior prosecutor Diwakar Sharma said.
As per proof, he provided liquor to party workers and thousands of them, in an inebriated condition, were incited to forcefully shut shops and create ruckus.Anant Dev, SSP to ANI
Dalit groups had called for a Bharat Bandh on 2 April in protest against a recent Supreme Court order, which they claimed had diluted the SC/ST Act (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Protesters turned violent at several places which resulted in death of at least eight people and destruction of property.
Police said Gautam has been arrested in three cases of violence.
Meanwhile, police also registered four more cases and arrested a dozen of other protesters in connection with the agitation.
As reported by ANI, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Giriraj Jatav was also arrested by the police on charges of “inciting violence” in Bhind during the Bharat Bandh. The report mentions that an award of Rs 10,000 was earlier offered to anyone who could provide them with information that would lead to his arrest.
With the latest development, more than 40 cases have been registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and above 85 people have been arrested, police said.
(With inputs from PTI)